Friday, September 21, 2007

Introduction of Mr. History

"The Story of One Man.---And a Chicken."

We begin this story much like many other stories. Following a "main character." And this "main character" must be given a name, like most main characters. His name will be Mr. History. And Mr. History is a fellow who enjoys his history. He does a lot of things, some might call them crazy things, but he does them never the less.

Mr. History works at a bookstore, selling books (which he likes to call "artifacts.") And one day, a Wednesday to be precise, driving home in his vehicle, he saw a chicken sitting in the middle of the road.

Now, Mr. History likes chickens. He goes to a place called Chicken-fillet. (Not to be misconstrued with some other famous chicken place that could be located minutes from any given destination.)

Well, when he saw this chicken he thought he had escaped! So you know what he did. I’ll tell you what he did! He stopped his car, got out of his car, and walked up to the chicken. And he said:
"Hey chicken! I know you hear me, don’t you ignore me!" The chickens simply "bucked", "cocked", and maybe even "buck cocked" once or twice. "Chicken! You need to go home. You need to go back there, back to the Chicken-fillet! Remember in WWII when the general of the one army went over the hill from his house and he never came back! That would be you! You need to go back before you end up like him!"

Of course, the chicken did not respond. So Mr. History kicked the chicken. Then the chicken went into some sort of cardiac arrest. Soon after, a panicking Mr. History got back into his car, cried, and he sang a song. A magical song that goes a little something like this:

Rachel Proctor
° Everybody Does °

This ain’t the first time
You’ve fallen in love
With your heart wide open
Feeling just like a fool
Knowing that
You’re the only one left
Holding on
He broke your heart
You can’t cry hard enough
But you’re not the only one

Everybody loves someone
Everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody says they’ll never fall again
But everybody does

How many times have you said he’s the one
And found out that he wasn’t
Always thinking it’s gonna hurt forever
But then one day it doesn’t anymore
You’ve come so far, still a long way to go
Just remember you’re never alone

Everybody loves someone
Everybody hurts sometimes
Lyrics Mania.comEverybody says they’ll never fall again
But everybody does

Everybody jumps in
Never really knowin’
Where it’s really goin’
You just have to trust in
Your heart

Everybody loves someone
Everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody says they’ll never fall again

But everybody loves someone
Everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody says they’ll never fall again
But everybody does


----Pictures below:

Mr. History making a daring attempt, fleeing the scene of the crime!

The chicken, extremely hurt, grabbing his head in pain before taking his final breath.

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